
Standing committees meet throughout the year. Members volunteer their talents and time to handle all the duties and responsibilities needed by Impact100 Louisville. 

It takes a lot of people for Impact100 Louisville to be successful!

Interested in signing up for a committee or getting more information? Log in and sign up >

Not a member yet, or curious about a committee? Send an email to the contact listed. 


Communicate with current and potential members through email, website, and social media, including updates from our grant recipients through our newsletter. This committee is great for women interested in graphic design, social media, marketing strategy, photography, press relations, or tweaking words. (You can choose one, not all!)

No experience and just an interest? We'd love to have you!

Meetings are limited with most work done by email. Contact us at

Diversity, Belonging, Equity, and Inclusion

Provide education/awareness around DBEI and developing strategies to expand diversity of membership. Contact us at


Plan and execute the Annual Membership Meeting, which is the celebration of Impact100 Louisville's successful year. At that event, which includes a brief chapter business meeting, there are presentations by awards finalists, members vote to select one or more awardees and the awards are announced.

The Events committee also participates in the planning and execution of informational events throughout the year.

Committee meetings are limited. Most of the activity takes place in the months leading up to the Annual Meeting which usually is scheduled on the first Thursday in November. Contact us at


Provides financial oversight of the Grant Applicants selected by the Grant Committee as potential finalists for Impact100 Grants and supports treasurer in administrative oversight of Impact100 Louisville finances. Contact us at


Reviewing the governance structure and practices of Impact100 Louisville, including Board composition, the needs of the Board to efficiently fulfill its duties responsibly and to adhere to its governing documents. Contact us at

Grant Committees

Participants review grant applications, discuss applications at meetings, conduct site visits and evaluate grant applications. Volunteers will be asked to sign a Conflict of Interest form and attend provided training on the grant process. A majority of meetings run from July to September.

Volunteers are divided into five teams based one of the following focus areas:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Education
  • Environment, Recreation or Preservation
  • Health & Wellness
  • Family

Contact us at

Letter of Intent (LOI)

Participants determine which of the non-profit applicants will be invited to submit full grant proposals for $100,000 each. The time commitment for this important work is small; we meet virtually April and May.

Contact us at


Work with recruitment and retention of new and current members. Volunteers assist in planning membership gatherings with volunteer hostesses and organize handout materials for these events.

Meetings are limited with most work being done by email and at events, and although membership is always spreading the word, the push for meet and greet events is greatest between February and May. Contact us at


Meet periodically to prepare a slate of Officers and Directors to present for election by the Board at the Annual Meeting.  The President, Co-Presidents or other Board officers shall contact all persons nominated to confirm their willingness to serve. Contact us at


Develop funding strategies and help Identify individual and corporate sponsors to support administrative and event costs and fund member scholarships.

The committee meets approximately two hours per month. Contact us at