
Impact100 Louisville’s goal is to provide high-impact grants that reach under-served populations, support nonprofits, and highlight unmet needs in our community. Through grant-making, we invest in nonprofits financially and by partnering with them to familiarize ourselves with their programs, services, and the communities they serve. In return, our partners assure us our process allows them to think bigger and more strategically about the work they do and the impact they have.

See our grants by year: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

2024 Grant Recipients 

In 2024, Impact100 Louisville was able to give $529,000 in grants to the local community, including five $100,000 Impact grants:

CASA of the River Region (CASA)

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Advocacy Academy & Support Program

PROJECT IMPACT: Impact100 funds would ensure CASA can raise awareness of the growing need for new volunteers and for our mission - to ensure the community’s most vulnerable children have access to academic, medical and support services to overcome trauma and improve their well-being.

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Granny’s Birth Initiative

AWARD:  $100,000

PROJECT: Granny's Hub 

PROJECT IMPACT: Granny’s Hub, an initiative combining new and existing programs for new mothers and their infants, will help family members work together as a team at home.

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Imagination Library of Louisville

AWARD: $100,000 

PROJECT: Program Support

PROJECT IMPACT: A grant from Impact100 would allow the Imagination Library to continue to serve children countywide and to grow the enrollment, projected to be 50% of Jefferson County children under five by the end of 2025.

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Lincoln Foundation

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: College Transition Enrichment Program

PROJECT IMPACT: The Impact100 grant will allow CTEP to hire an additional counselor and expand from serving 160 college students to more than 300 for the next three years.

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West End School

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Music Program

PROJECT IMPACT: The grant will support increased individual and small group instruction for students in the West End School’s Music Program.

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2024 Merit Grant Recipients

In addition to the Impact grants, we gave a $9,667 Merit grant to each of the following organizations:


2023 Grant Recipients

In 2023, Impact100 Louisville gave $558,000 in grants to the local community, including five $100,000 Impact grants:

Backside Learning Center

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Early Childhood Development and Education Program

PROJECT IMPACT: Hiring a coordinator for the new Early Childhood Development & Education Program will allow the BLC to address an acute need within the community: educating parents of children ages 0-4 about the importance of early childhood development and education and encouraging them to enroll in the Program.

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DELTA Foundation Inc.

AWARD:  $100,000

PROJECT: Newburg Expansion 

PROJECT IMPACT: DELTA Foundation proposes to expand its after-school programming to the Newburg neighborhood. Currently, Newburg has only one after-school program for the entire zip code. In addition to the enrichment and academic programming, youth will benefit from optional, free, twice weekly individual and/or group therapy sessions on-site.

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Neighborhood House

AWARD: $100,000 

PROJECT: Reconnecting to Disconnected Youth Ages 16-24

PROJECT IMPACT: To best meet the needs of adolescents ages 16-24, we propose hiring a Youth Advocate, trained in coaching skills, to be a frontline staff person focused on disconnected youth. This Advocate would meet youth where they are—from basketball courts to front porches. They would also organize events at Neighborhood House to build social connections with young adults, encouraging them to enroll in coaching and meet their individual goals.

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Uniting Partners for Women and Children (UP)

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Expanding Services for Women and Children Experiencing Houselessness

PROJECT IMPACT: Increasing drop-in service hours by 30%, increasing operations space, and targeting services for seniors.

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YouthBuild Louisville

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Smoketown Family Center

PROJECT IMPACT: The grant will go to support the construction of the Smoketown Community Center, an important neighborhood amenity that will serve youth and young adults in Smoketown and the surrounding area.

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2022 Grant Recipients

In 2022, Impact100 Louisville gave $443,000 in grants to the local community, including:

Educational Justice, Inc.

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Educational Justice Activist Program

PROJECT IMPACT: The Education Justice Activist Program provides free tutoring to under-resourced youth and engages high-achieving high school students as tutors and mentors to bridge the gap of educational inequity.

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Hildegard House Incorporated

AWARD: $100,000 

PROJECT: Hildegard House Expansion Project 

PROJECT IMPACT: A meaningful life and a peaceful, dignified death for at least 68 more people each year.

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The Louisville Leopard Percussionists

AWARD:  $100,000

PROJECT: New Instruments, Expanded Programming 

PROJECT IMPACT: With the suite of instruments funded by this grant, we can double the number of children we serve each year and introduce a new academic program, Leopard Learners.

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Smoketown Family Wellness Center

AWARD: $100,000

PROJECT: Hiring a Community Health Worker 

PROJECT IMPACT: Community Health Workers improve health well beyond the doctor's visit, building trust and connecting families to resources.Community Health Workers improve health well beyond the doctor's visit, building trust and connecting families to resources.

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2021 Grant Recipients

In our second year, we gave $315,000 in Impact grants to our community:

DeCode Project

AWARD: $105,000

PROJECT: King Elementary Literacy Program

PROJECT IMPACT: Closing the opportunity gap by providing structured literacy instruction to elementary students with learning differences and financial barriers.

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La Casita Center

AWARD:  $105,000

PROJECT: Expand, upgrade, and improve the Center‘s on-site kitchen and food pantry facilities 

PROJECT IMPACT: The investment from Impact100 will go towards the physical upgrades to kitchen and pantry facilities to ensure proper handling and storage of food.

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Park Alliance of Louisville

AWARD: $105,000 

PROJECT: Maple Street Park Nature Playground and Outdoor Classroom

PROJECT IMPACT: Filling a critical gap in access to outdoor space for 20 Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS).

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2020 Grant Recipients

In our first year, Impact100 Louisville gave $206,000 to the Louisville community:

Louisville Urban League

AWARD: $103,000

PROJECT: Sports and Learning complex

PROJECT IMPACT: enhance and expand the Urban League’s youth programming into the Sports and Learning complex as it opens in 2021.

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YouthBuild Louisville

AWARD:  $103,000

PROJECT: Smoketown Hopebox Laundromat + Community Space project 

PROJECT IMPACT: The renovation of vacant properties into a local laundromat and meeting/community spaces will provide much needed amenities and will enable the development of programs to stimulate the Smoketown economy.

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