Grant Guidelines
Impact100 Louisville is a community of women transforming lives through collective giving. We award grants in amounts of at least $100,000. The exact amount of funds available for award in any given year depends upon the number of women who join the organization and is announced at the end of our annual membership drive in June.
After a detailed screening process, the full membership of Impact 100 Louisville will vote for the final grant recipients. As an added benefit, the wide exposure granted to all applicants, finalists, and awardees provides increased visibility for nonprofits to a large and diverse group of charitably minded women and the larger community, as well as the opportunity for the grant itself.
Applicants Must Submit A Letter Of Intent To Apply
Letters of Intent are accepted in March with the form available on our website.
An organization is eligible to apply for the Impact100 Louisville grant if it:
- Is defined as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Serves the residents of Jefferson County, Kentucky, or is a recognized local chapter of a state or national organization serving this region.
- Is registered with the Kentucky Secretary of State.
- Does not discriminate based on religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender.
- Has not received an Impact100 Louisville grant in the past FIVE (5) years.
- Has operated under its own 501(c)(3) status for at least 24 months from the letter of intent application date.
Grant Proposals eligible for the Impact100 Louisville grant must:
- Serve residents of, and expend at least 75% of funds in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
- Be for the full grant amount. The project‘s total budget may exceed the grant; but if so, the grant application must indicate how the remaining funds will be secured.
- Expend funds within 36 months of the award date.
- The project must have a positive IMPACT on our community and contribute to the organization's sustainability.
Allowable Types of Grants
Impact100 Louisville is committed to offering opportunities for ongoing growth and change within non-profit organizations and the communities they serve. Preference will be given to projects that are lesser known initiatives and highlight unmet needs in our area. Grants funding will be considered for any of the following:
- Capacity Building: Funding is typically a one-time expense that assists the mission of the organization. If a construction project, the organization must own the property or have a lease for at least 5 years.
- Program Support: Funding is given to expand or improve existing activities that support the organization's mission.
- Innovation: Funding for a new idea, method, or improvement.
Impact100 Louisville will NOT provide grants for:
- Individuals
- Endowment funding
- Partisan, legislative, or political activity.
- Projects of individual churches, synagogues or other religious institutions unless a separate tax-exempt entity that is not under the umbrella of the church, synagogue or other religious institution exists for receiving Impact100 Louisville funds
- Faith-based projects or programs which require participation in activities of a particular faith, denomination or religion in order to benefit from the project or program
- Benefits of the project or program must be available to any person, regardless of religious beliefs or practices
- Benefits of the project or program must not be dependent on any person being required to participate in any religious activity, ceremony or service
- Capital improvements or renovations to property for the grant project if the organization does not own or have a lease of at least five years
Grant Review Process
Letter of Intent Application: Applications will be available to all interested nonprofits through our website beginning in March. You can request to be notified by emailing us at
Grant Application: Grant applications will be sent to successful applicants based on the organization’s Letter of Intent from Impact100 Louisville.
Finance Review: Impact100 Louisville Finance Committees will conduct an initial review of all applications and contact applicants with questions or requests for information. If additional information is requested, it must be submitted by the due date given at the time of the request.
Site Visit: Successful applicants receive a site visit from a team of Impact100 Louisville Grant Review Committee members. It is the time for your organization to shine, for you to be able to tell your story, share your vision, and describe your dream in person. People invited to the site visit include: your board chair, your treasurer or someone who can answer financial questions, and one or two key employees. Individuals the organization serves may also be present. There should be no press at the meeting. The objective of the site visit is to complete a general due diligence review and to resolve the committee’s remaining questions regarding the organization, its proposed project and/or budget. Site visits last approximately one to two hours.
Grant Review Committee Final Review: After site visits are completed, finalists are presented to the Impact100 Louisville Board for final approval.
Meet the Finalists: At an informal, in-person tabling event, finalists share their proposals with the membership of Impact100 Louisville.
Video Presentation: Finalists submit a short, self-produced video in mid October for inclusion in our members voting guide.
Annual Meeting: Grant recipients are announced at our annual meeting in November. Nonprofit finalists not receiving $100,000 may receive smaller merit grants.
Compliance: Prior to the release of grant funds, each recipient must complete the Impact100 Louisville grant agreement. Award receipt (s) will need to submit six month progress reports on implementation and progress of the project to Impact100 Louisville until the project is completed. When the project is complete, or funds are fully expended, the recipient must submit a final report. Opportunities for follow-up presentations will be offered throughout grant implementation.